Date: 2022-05-12 12:49:26
Public consultations underway for Informal Economy Policy
EThekwini Municipality is conducting a review of its current Informal Economy Policy. A series of regional consultations with informal sector members is underway to ensure their views are documented in the draft 2022-2028 Informal Economy Policy. The first engagement was held at the Warwick iTrump Hall on 4 May.
The second consultation will be held at the Ottawa Community Hall on 11 May from 9am.
Copies of the draft policy will be distributed during the consultations. However, a copy of the draft policy is accessible on eThekwini Municipality’s website:
The consultations aim to ensure that the informal economy is given a voice on policy which will regulate their working environment. The key purpose of the consultations is to create support mechanisms and an enabling environment by outlining the City’s business support services for informal activities as well as entrepreneurs seeking assistance.
If you are unable to attend the consultation, written comments and representations can be forwarded.
Representations of the draft policy will only be considered valid if: the full names, identity number, physical address, and contact details of the author as well as the interest of the author is recorded. Submissions can be placed with the required information into the comments box located at reception, Durban City Hall, Dr Pixley Ka Seme (West) Street, Durban by 27 May 2022.
Details of the 2022-2028 draft informal economy policy review consultations are as follows:
Ottawa Community Hall - 11 May 2022 - 9:00-13:00
KwaMashu G section Hall - 12 May 2022 - 9:00-13:00
New Germany Hall - 18 May 2022 - 9:00-13:00
Lotus Park Community Hall - 20 May 2022 - 9:00-13:00
Jewish Hall North Beach - 25 May 2022 - 9:00-13:00